ID-Sen: Could Craig Hang On?

Just when you thought this story couldn’t get any stranger:

Sen. Larry Craig is reconsidering his decision to resign after his arrest in a Minnesota airport sex sting and may still fight for his Senate seat, his spokesman said Tuesday evening.

“It’s not such a foregone conclusion anymore, that the only thing he could do was resign,” Sidney Smith, Craig’s spokesman in Idaho’s capital, told The Associated Press.

“We’re still preparing as if Senator Craig will resign Sept. 30, but the outcome of the legal case in Minnesota and the ethics investigation will have an impact on whether we’re able to stay in the fight — and stay in the Senate,” Smith said.

All thanks to Arlen Specter, apparently. Let the GOP upheaval continue!

(Hat-tip: Blue Mass. Group.)

6 thoughts on “ID-Sen: Could Craig Hang On?”

  1. Is more like it… I’m sorry, Senator’s have hung on over FAR more serious crimes than this. ie Ted Kennedy… Regardless of what one believes. I say let the voters of Idaho be the final judges, either his fellow republicans in a primary, or all the voters in a general election. And I still believe that the GOP leadership in the Senate wouldn’t have moved so fast to remove him had it not been a ‘gay’ sex crime.

  2. I mean, lets say that the court case doesn’t move slowly… and he has this case hanging over his head election time… (since now a days just being in court means your guilty, a silly system) that seems to be a big plus for our chances.

    I mean, i hope that the guy is innocent and everything.

  3. is a graphic display of the complete hypocrisy of the Republican Party.

    David Vitter admits to improper illegal behavior with female prostitutes, including the mortifying perversion of infantalism (adults wearing diapers without medical cause) and he is allowed to remain in office unchallenged.  The fact Louisiana had a Democrat as Governor affects the reaction as well.

    In Larry Craig’s case we have a confession of lewd and lacivious behavior in a public restrrrom with other males, and that is simply unacceptable to the rank and file GOP.  Idaho of course has a GOP Governor.

    The rancid smell of homophobia and double standards thus is on display for the world to see.  In both cases we have admissions of guilt, but Republican outrage boils over when the act is same sex, whereas Christian forgiveness rules when it is opposite sex adults engaging in criminal acts.

    Ironically, it appears Craig’s lead counsel is Billy Martin who served on Monica Lewinsky’s legal team fighting during the Bill Clinton impeachment effort.

    The GOP defends itself with he excuse that Craig admitted guilt on Court while Vitter admitted his at a press conference as if that distinction matters in the least.

  4. I think this is Larry Craig making life miserable for the GOP because they all railed against him. I don’t really think he intends to take back his resignation, but this still keeps it in the news for at least another week.

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